Ways to Optimize Those Complicated Site Transfers
Site transfers, if you’re not familiar with the term, really revolves around the movement and requesting of inventory from one location to another, typically moving it over some significant amount of distance or changing of hands between who is managing it at one location, to another group or people that are managing it at a destination location. There can be […]
Your Fulfillment is Changing. Here is How.
Your fulfillment is changing—here’s how. #Microsoft ’s newest developments in AI + Machine Learning for business are changing #inventorymanagement. Want to see the benefits? This episode of In Search of Inventory Truth, covers what we can do already, what Microsoft’s Intelligent Order Management will bring, and what you’ll be able to do to advance your […]
Ways to help your inventory team improve using digital technologies.
Support your team. How can you help your inventory team improve using digital technology? When it comes down to it, we should all focus on one question: How much inventory do we truly need to keep on the books to run a successful business? An inventory team works best when it can ensure that they can […]
Sometimes Paper is Better
Use a system that’s best with both. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. There’s a tool for every job. Work smarter, not harder. There’s a million and a half euphamisms about process, building, and fixing something. Today we’re here to say, they’re right. But, it’s about how you use what you’ve got, and use […]
What we can learn from Amazon’s supply chain.
We’re all living in the real world, with real jobs. The best part of it is, this isn’t high school. If somebody else is crushing it, you can copy their crib-notes. It comes as no surprise that the biggest 3PL in the world is Amazon. They make weird, cylindrical robots that tell you about your groceries and servers […]
How Will Microsoft‘s Newest Game-Changer for Inventory Management Help You?
Where do you see yourself in 3 years? Just 3 months ago, our answer would have been MUCH different. We’ve got some news, and it’s good. So good in fact, that we’re poised to hit that 3-year goal in about six months. Big things are happening in the tech space of #inventorymanagement and as luck […]
What happens when you pause a vaccine rollout during a pandemic? A lot.
Procter & Gamble to raise prices, as companies struggle to catch up with consumer demand
April 20, 2021, 8:36 AM CDT / Source: CNBC.com By Amelia Lucas, CNBCProcter & Gamble announced on Tuesday that it will hike prices on baby care, feminine care and adult incontinence products in September to respond to higher commodity costs. The consumer giant joins a host of other companies, including Kimberly-Clark and Coca-Cola, that are raising prices to protect […]
How Will Microsoft ‘s Newest Game-Changer for Inventory Management Help You?
BIG NEWS: Our latest podcast is now available, and we’ve got something awesome coming… In this episode, Travis discusses how developments from Microsoft and the Power Platform helped our 3-year goal for 2024 become a reality early this summer.We’ve been saying for years that a company that wants to grow should look PAST a WMS […]
How an Inventory Platform augments your ERP during uncertain times.
If the world was a game of monopoly, 2020 cracked its knuckles, and flipped the board over. Storefronts closed. Production shut down. Hoarding toilet paper caused a national shortage of multi-ply. There wasn’t a single industry, business, town, or person that wasn’t affected. Those that could adapt, did, and those who couldn’t—they hit some hard times. So, what did we learn? Everything we know […]