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Power Platform

WithoutWire Inventory Platform + Microsoft Power Platform

Microsoft Power Platform is quickly growing to become a core foundational technology that businesses of all sizes are adopting.  Enterprise and mid-sized business prefer it because of its scalability, security, and reliability as supported by Microsoft Dataverse and Microsoft Azure cloud.  Low code and No code business users are seeing incredible efficiency gains in up to 73% cost reductions in creating business applications that are managed by Enterprise level compliance and administrative tools that ensure monitoring of performance and anomalies in execution across the whole eco-system regardless of in house or external users. 


Microsoft Power Apps

​Our customers and partners can extend or customize their user experiences by constructing their own apps based on our components, connectors, and flows. Create Quality Assurance, Inspections, Custom Cycle Count apps, Physical Inventory, or extend your sales force applications with real-time inventory and reservations.

Microsoft Power Automate

Customers and partners can manage long term integrations within Power Automate to ensure compliance and to adjust business models overtime.  Low code orchestrations translate to less expense over time. 
WithoutWire has developed a certified Power Connector that supports a wide variety of operations that makes integration to WithoutWire’s features and inventory visibility a reality.


Microsoft Power BI

Every business has unique views on whats important to them at any given time in their journey.  Because of the need for deeper insights in to data, Microsoft’s Power BI is a great way to access information and to quantify key measurements that drive important business decisions across the organization.  

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WithoutWire Inventory Platform WMS when combined with Microsoft Power Platform and Microsoft Dynamics, gives customers and partners a unique opportunity to leverage low code/no code resources to continue to maintain and support customizations and extensions to not only expose new users and customers to inventory information, but to also leverage Microsoft Cognitive Services and AI to create new automations for further growth needs.

Let's talk about how WithoutWire can help you rethink inventory.